Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February FUN

February was full of fun at home, sports-new and old, and lots of time with friends and family.  

Emmerson tried volleyball for the first time and really liked it! 

Everyone is happier when Nana is here! 

Oh, the slime...

Audrey loves to draw pictures.  This is us headed to Florida. 

This girl sleeps with a million "special" things! 

Sometimes even a teapot is special. 

So sweet when they sleep! 

Audrey had her kindergarten screening at STA.  Since I work it every year I got to sneak a picture or two! 

It is getting harder and harder to tell these two apart, especially from behind. 

Headed to school. 

Emmerson is always doing something like this! 

The school Sock hop is a favorite!

Claire loves gymnastics with her friends. 

It's not unusual for me to find Caroline all set up in a clothes basket somewhere strange. 

The girls were so sad I was having the pink walls painted.  Like, actual tears over it! 

Audrey's favorite book because she recognizes "Uncle Matt and Auntie E's pier"

The big girls got to go with me to take Caroline to school one morning.  They got to peek in and see Quinn.  Everyone was so excited! 

These two love to dress themselves.  You never know what they are going to have on but usually it doesn't fit the weather! 

Always playing with babies. 

She is starting to seem so big! 

These two are never apart! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Daddy's Birthday

We joke that even our birthdays are about the girls.  They have high exceptions for how Daddy's birthday should go.  A homemade cake, gifts of their choice, and all the celebrating after school! 

The little girls have taken over making the cakes if its a school day for the big girls.  

The icing leaves a little to be desired but it always tastes good! 

We took Daddy to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  

They love when the sombrero comes out! 

We love celebrating our favorite guy!