Monday, August 29, 2011

"Good girl Baby Claire"

So this is what I found when I came in the family room from unloading the dishwasher.

I heard Emmers saying, "good girl baby Claire" she had lined all the babies up with Claire to do tummy time! SO funny!

I guess she didn't mind!

Nana and Pop Pop's visit

Who me?

Nana snuggles-as Emme would say!

We took Nana and Pop Pop to the zoo for the first time!

Emmerson loves the elephants now that there is a new baby!

There is the baby!

We went on the train...for the first time! Thanks Nana and Pop Pop for showing me had worked hard to avoid it!

Emmerson loved it! Last week one of her library books was about a train ride at the zoo so she has been talking about it!

BIG girlS!

All ready for Sausagefest

Still loves her toys!

Sweet baby! I wish my bed looked this cozy! Check out her mohawk and chubby cheeks! (23 weeks)

Our mornings are the BEST! We are very slow starters! Emme usually wakes up first and comes and lays with me until Claire wakes up. Then she joins us and we snuggle for awhile before we all go downstairs for breakfast! Emme always talks about how poor daddy has to go to sweet!

More new tricks and can grab my toes and roll over!

We love when Daddy gets home!

Daddy thinks I look like a turtle when I pop up like this!

I can't resist a sleeping baby! She is completely turned around and at the wrong end of her bed.

Friday, August 19, 2011

First day of school

Since Mom is staying home with us for now Emme started a new school. It is a big change to only go two mornings a week. AND to a new school, with new teachers and friends! We hope she will love it like she loved her old school!

Ready to go! Very excited!

Outside the school waiting to go in!

My new playground.

My hook...for some reason this was really cool!

In my classroom.

The big playroom.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

End of summer FUN!

Too bad Claire isn't comfortable in her tub! (21 weeks)

Still have a Mohawk

We have spent lots of time downtown walking on the canal this summer. Emme loves the fountains.

Claire just loves anything she can get to her mouth!

We have been spending lots of time at different parks too! Emme loves to help Claire swing!

Claire likes to swing.

Pretty sure Emmers likes to take Claire down the slide more than Claire enjoys it. Good thing she is a good sport!

Sweet Claire's Baptism

Claire was baptized on Sunday August 7th. It was at least a million degrees in the church and outside! Claire did great. She seemed to enjoy the whole day. Even the water on her head...probably felt good to cool off a bit!

Marin and Emme waiting for it all to begin.

Claire is paying close attention.

Sweet baby!

She just smiled at us the whole time!

Claire's godparents...she's a lucky girl!

Look at my crazy hair.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

State Fair

When Uncle Matt and Charlie were here we went to the State Fair. It was hot but we had a lot of fun! Again with a little proof that we did take Claire. What a good girl!

E loved feeding the animals.

All we heard was "more food for the goats".

She couldn't believe how big the horses were!

Planting some corn.

A pink tractor!

They had school buses to get on. Charlie is starting kindergaten this fall so it was fun to try it out!

Let's hope Emme grows a lot before she goes to school...she is STANDING on the seat!

Watching the circus acts!

Racing cars.

Emme waved everytime they came around.