Wednesday, August 17, 2011

19 weeks

Emmerson continues to blow us away with her love for her little sister! There still is not an ounce of jealousy. She can't wait to see her each morning and can't get enough of her throughout the day! The love goes both ways. Neil and I joke that Claire won't take her eyes off Emmers long enough to look at us! Emme gets the biggest smiles and the loudest laughs...melts us every time!

19 weeks old today!

Don't worry...Emme has plenty of love left for Bellie Boo!

Emme had been asking to give Claire a bottle after seeing a friend giving her daughter a bottle. I had been putting her off for a couple weeks. So she asked again and I thought why not?! So I fed her first and then just put an ounce in a bottle thinking she wouldn't really take it and that Emme would lose interest. NOT true. She took it all and Emmerson was in heaven! Is there anything sweeter than the way they are looking at each other and how Claire is holding onto Emme's hand?

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