Sunday, December 25, 2011

9 Months olds

Look who is 9 months old!?! At her doctors appointment we got her new "stats". With no surprise she isn't huge! She was in the 16% for height (a half inch taller than Emme at this age), and was in the 18% for weight (5 ounces smaller than Emme at this age). She got 3 shots that didn't bother her a bit. She is still the sweet baby that puts up with anything!

She loves to stand and play with these flowers.

She also LOVES this table! Emme's broke so this is on loan from our friend Marin...Let's hope Santa knows we need a new one!

How does our sweet girl turn into this? By simply telling her to "go crazy" she makes this crazy face and shakes her head all around. Emmerson thinks it is great!

She still LOVES to eat! A couple days after she turned 9 months we thought she had something in her month a in the process of investigating we found it was nothing but FOUR new teeth. The top four were in...through the gums IN! How did we miss it you ask...That's how Claire does things! With out a complaint or fuss! Quietly, calm, and happy! SO she now has 6 teeth. Four on top and two on bottom.

She still adores her sister and toys! And...still makes us smile everyday!

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