Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Audrey's first trip to Bloomington

We hoped to make it to at least a few IU games this year but weren't sure how it would play out with my due date being after the first couple games.  It is by far one of our favorite things to do as a family in the fall.  So we decided this weekend would be the best day to introduce Audrey to Bloomington.  

Getting out of the house was the trickiest part of the whole day!  As we were packing up a two week old, a two year old that didn't nap, and a four year old that had surgery the day before I was pretty certain we had lost our minds.  

Then this happened...all three asleep as soon as we hit the road.  As we enjoyed the quiet we thought maybe we made the right decision. 

To no surprise Audrey slept through the whole thing!  Game included. 

Happy family in their happy place! 

Ready to head into the game.  

Happy girls! (Audrey is in there too)

Our little cheerleaders! 

And this is another good reason to go!  We bring VERY tired kids home!  

Emmerson's ear surgery

Emmerson had ear surgery to repair a hole in her ear drum.  It was the first time she had to be put completely under and they said it would take two hours.  We weren't looking forward to that especially with a two week old.  We didn't tell her until the night before and all we said was that she had to go to the doctor to get her ear fixed.  

We had to be there at 6 am.  That is VERY early for us. 

Audrey got to come with us too. 

She found a couch to sleep on while we waited for Emme to be done. 

Emme was pretty pathetic when we got back to recovery. 

After about a good nap she was ready for a Popsicle. 

and to go home!  She was a trooper but couldn't have enjoyed it any less! 

Our second week with a VERY sweet baby!

We have spent another week getting to know our sweet little Audrey.  She seems to be pretty close to perfect!  She is already a great eater which is new to us and is sleeping better than we could have hoped for.  The big girls are doing great with the transition.  Most days I am not sure what I would do with out Emmerson's help.  

Marcy and Carter came over to visit.  Carter is 5 months older than Audrey.  (this is the day she turned 1 week old.)

Finally starting to stretch out a bit.  

When we unswaddle her in the morning her arms pop right up like this!  Both Emmerson and Claire did this too.  We love to watch it!  

This is what we look like on a walk these days...nothing short of a family circus! 

We still don't see her eyes open very often.

We have still been able to do some fun things with the Emme and Claire.  Audrey sleeps or eats through most of it but the girls like taking her along. 

Some time at the park 

Daddy tries to sneak away for a little quiet time with his newest love...but the big girls usually find him. 

There is no shortage of attention for this little girl. 

Just a normal Saturday morning at our house...

This is pretty much where Mom spends her time!  Pretty lucky!

Claire "feeds" her babies a lot too.  She needed a little privacy this time!

Emmerson is the BEST!  She absolutely adores being with Audrey!

With her eyes open we think she looks like Emmerson

Two weeks old

Daddy has some traditions when he is home for the two weeks with new babies.  One is he doesn't shave... This is minutes before he shaved to go back to work.  None of the ladies in this house were sad to see it go.

Sweet girl!

Bath time

Audrey's bath time is always an event around here with plenty of help! 

Her first couple baths went just like this...a few too many hands "helping".

As you can see it wasn't enjoyable for anyone.  (check out her crazy hair)

Once she could get in the tub we wised up and waited until the big girls went to bed! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Audrey's first week at home

Our first week at home went much smoother than I expected.  I am sure it helped that both Daddy and Nana were here to help.  Emmerson and Claire were so happy to have Audrey home and overall she was doing pretty well settling in too.  

Everyone helping with the first dirty diaper at home.  Claire was so grossed out.

At any given time one of the big girls is sitting in this chair.  

Everyone still wants to hold her all the time. 

There were lots of tired people around here. 

Emme is never far from the baby. 

We don't see her eyes open very often. 

Marin came over to meet Audrey too.  She needed to practice holding a baby girl. 

We are only a couple months away from having 5 little girls when we get together with Aunt Brigee.  

We had to make daily trips to the doctor to have weight checks so we made a stop at Einsteins for bagels...That was the first place we took both her big sisters and now it is their VERY favorite! 

A rare look at her with her eyes open. 

This is what she usually looks like!  Couldn't be any sweeter!