Wednesday, March 29, 2017

11 Months Old

Our baby is 11 months old in what feels like the blink of an eye.  We can not imagine our family without her.  To say she is adored by her sisters is not enough.  It is amazing how much she is like Claire was as a baby.  We joke that it is like we have had this baby before.  She is clam, sweet, silly, and overall just an easy baby to be around.  She has 8 teeth, could give or take food, hates bottles, is standing and cursing around holding on to furniture, can clap, and wave, but our favorite is blowing kisses.  We joke about being the poor 4th baby and there is plenty that would never have happened with the first (like the fact that she fell off the couch TWICE today) but what a lucky little lady.  So loved, so happy, and simply perfect for our family! 

The photo shoot for the first birthday invitation was the same as the 3 big girls.  

She is always moving...making most pictures blurry. 

She is pretty proud of herself when she walks! 

She can find me in seconds when I leave the room! 

She has figured out the tower

and dress up!

I still can't resist a sleeping baby...those cheeks! 

She can destroy an uno game in seconds. 

You never know where you might find her. 

She has officially realized that Audrey is in the room with her.  Audrey wakes up to her standing and staring at her everyday.  She just quietly stands there but squeals when Audrey first starts moving. 

She can find a bowl of popcorn (the one true no no food wise) anywhere! 

Always just along for the ride.

She is SO busy! 

She loves her car and being outside. 

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