Friday, January 31, 2014

Hanging at home

It has been another couple of weeks of REALLY cold weather.  This giving us lots of time at home.  We usually don't have too much trouble keeping busy but it does help when Daddy is home!

Audrey helping unload the dishwasher

and helping with making dinner!

I am still not real sure how this happened but the girls talked Daddy into a sleep over.  They LOVED it!

We got a visit from cousin Lauren!  These girls kept her VERY busy while she was here.

Claire was cold and thought she needed a scarf

Carter (Jack's little brother) came over to play with Audrey

Plenty of time for cuddling...this is what Mom's lap looks like most of the time!

Lots of crafting going on too.  Claire has taken to doing crafts too.  I joke that these two are within touching range at all times.  Of course it helps in this situation that one seat is way more popular than the other.  

This poor baby tries to keep up with her big sisters but they are so busy!

The love of the rainbow loom is still going strong. Even Daddy is getting really good at making them. 

Claire is officially a BIG girl

In true Claire style she potty trained herself...if you can even use the term trained!  One afternoon she came downstairs in a pair of underwear.  She put her hands on her hips and told me she was going to wear her big girl panties.  I told her she could as long as she didn't have any accidents. (while making a mental note that I HAD to potty train her soon) That was a week and a half ago and she hasn't had one accident.   It is just like she never wore a diaper.  She just tells us when she has to go and holds it if we aren't home!  The other day she had been playing in the snow for a couple hours and when she came in she told me she had to go potty really bad.  I started ripping off her snow clothes at top speed.  She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Mom I am not going to go!"  I guess we can mark this off the to do list!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Audrey's first haircut

I do realize that most babies do not get their first haircut before the age of 5 months but this girl has crazy hair and it was growing in crazier by the day!  Daddy wasn't quite as excited about the idea but Mom was sure it was needed.

When Audrey woke up this is what I saw...a head full of crazy hair, with one side being at least a couple inches longer than the other.  

So I decided it was haircut day!  She didn't seem to mind.

Nana was a little concerned when I didn't stop at cutting the first chunk.  

Now its all the same length and can grow in evenly.  I didn't tell Daddy we did it.  He walked in and noticed RIGHT away.  He must have looked at Audrey with a crazy look.  Her bottom lip came out and she started crying!  Daddy spent the rest of the night telling her how pretty her haircut was!

Fun in the SnOw

We have had TONS of snow this winter and that has made a couple little girls very happy.  The girls love to be outside and Daddy makes it even more fun by helping them build snow forts. 

Snow forts!

Emmerson made her very own snowmen.

She was VERY proud of her "3 little girls".

Notice it is dark and they are still out making a second fort. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

4 months old

Our little Audrey just turned 4 months old.  We are not sure where the time has gone but we do know we are enjoying all of it!  She is the sweetest little girl ever!  She LOVES her sisters, her Mom and Dad, her bumbo seat, and any toy she can get to her mouth.  She is rolling from her tummy to her back and is SO close to rolling from her back to tummy (she has done it a few times).  She likes to be part of the action and does not take her eyes off us!  She "talks", smiles and giggles all the time.  She is taking two real naps and a catnap here and there. She is still a great sleeper and eater and so fun to have with us!  Emmerson looked at me the other day and said, " Mom I am so lucky to have two babies sisters!"  and we agree!  

She still has the craziest hair.  Mom is ready to give it a trim but hasn't talked anyone else into it yet!

All toys go right to her mouth!

She is getting so strong.  She is able to push up and watch her sisters play.

Those cheeks!

Our sweet girl!

Always along for the ride!

She literally NEVER takes her eyes off Emmerson.  If Emme is in the room Audrey is watching her, smiling at her, and doing whatever she can to get her attention.  I can see why Audrey feels this way... Emmerson is so good with her and loves playing with her.

She is known to be found laying in random places but she doesn't mind. 

This is our view most of the time...her eyes peeking over whatever is in her mouth.

Snowed in!

We got a bunch of snow last week and it was VERY cold.  Which gave us another full week off school and Daddy a few extra days at home.  We found all kinds of ways to keep busy and to stay warm.  

The girls played outside as much as possible.  They LOVE the snow.

Daddy made them a fort.

One morning the whole family went out to play

Audrey seemed to like it too

Claire kept warm by sleeping in her tutu and slippers over her footed pjs

There was lots of playing dollhouse

and reading books!


Dress up

and cooking with mom.

Some dancing 

and baking!

Playing in forts

Some snuggling too!

Rosy cheeks from playing outside...

And LOTS of using the rainbow loom.  Even Audrey got a headband.