Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Baby TIME!

This delivery day didn't go the same as the others.  I had been to the doctor Monday for my regular doctors appointment and my blood pressure was higher than they like so they sent me to labor and delivery to be put on the monitors for awhile.  Once they confirmed the baby was ok and my blood pressure came down a bit they let me leave.  The scheduled doctors appointments for Tuesday and Thursday to have a blood pressure check and blood work to make sure everything was still stable.  Thursday my blood pressure was still a little higher than they like which isn't unusual for me at this point in my pregnancies.  Since my doctor knows this about me she decided that I could wait to come back Tuesday since she was out Monday as long as I felt ok.  Well, Thursday evening I got a call that she didn't like a few levels on my blood work when it came back and she wanted me to come in to repeat the blood work on Friday.  Friday was grandparents day at Emmerson's school so Nana and Pop Pop were in town.  So once they got home from Emmerson's school I went to the doctor.  I packed up the car before I went because my gut told me it might not go well.  The nurse walked in and took my blood pressure.  She just smiled and started to walk out.  As she was leaving I asked how bad it was and she just smiled.  She opened the door and my doctor was standing in the doorway waiting for results.  When the nurse told her my numbers my doctor just looked at me and said, "We are done!  Let's go!"  I looked at her like she was crazy and asked where?  She then walked me right over to labor and delivery and I was hooked up to the IV within 15 minute to start inducing.  

Since we have always gone into the hospital in the middle of the night in full labor it was very different to be there and doing it all this way.  I called Neil to go home and get the carseat and his stuff, which was an interesting call to make.  I told him to come to the hospital to join me.  He casually said, " ok, are you ok?  In labor?"  He was shocked when I said I was being induced.  

My doctors appointment was at 12:00.  This picture was taken at 12:20.  Pitocin was already cranked up and contractions starting.  I was hopeful it would be a short day since I was starting at 3cm and even told my mom that if I had the baby before bedtime I wanted them to bring the girls to meet him/her.  My doctor came to check on me around 2:00.  She said she wasn't on call and she had plans that night but she would still come back and deliver for us.  She said she would be back around 9:00.  Neil and I smiled and said great and thanked her for her willingness to come back.  As soon as she walked out I looked at him and the nurse and made it very clear I had no plans of waiting on her to return! That seemed so far away.

Neil and I sat and watched them set up the room for a baby.  It was fun to watch since we usually miss it all happening due to all the pain I am in by the time we get to the hospital. 

My Dad drove Neil to the hospital so we wouldn't have two cars there so he snapped a picture for us. 

And then we settled in for a long day...Thank goodness for this guy on delivery days!  He is the best in this situation!  I have never gotten an epidural so it is a long hard day for him too.  Listening to me say irrational things and trying anything to help me through the day.  

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