Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sweet Caroline's Baptism

We had Caroline baptized at St. Thomas Aquinas.  She was lucky enough to have a lot of her family there to be part of the day.

She was awake at the beginning and just looked around.

She didn't mind the process at all

She even fell asleep and slept through most of it.

The big girls loved watching it all

These two stood like this the entire time.

We were lucky to have some many family member join us.

Caroline is lucky to have such sweet godparents that love her! 

After the baptism we all went back to our house for a the rain! 

Caroline has lots of babies to grow up with! 

We hope these two cousins will be best buddies...

Like these two!

Our day ended with a cake covered Adam! 

1 comment:

  1. What a privilege for Caroline to be born in Christ. To the family and friends, thank you for the good work.
