Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March Madness

It seems each year that March really does bring on madness or at least a very busy schedule.  With all the birthdays and holidays life is crazy...but fun!  In between all the big things there are plenty of small things that are fun too. 

These two...their beds are touching, pillows inches away from each other and sometimes that's just not enough. 

It is funny how each of the girls seem to be into the same thing at about the same age.  With that in mind we have another doctor in the house.  No one is safe from a check up! 

Emmerson has really taken off with her reading.  It's amazing how it just clicks and all of a sudden they can read anything and everything.  All of the girls love going to the library but Emmerson now finds a quiet spot and reads.  

Doctor Audrey at the doctor.  She took her own notes.

Getting some sunshine

The other day we were walking to Emmerson's school pick up and I looked at Claire to find this was the outfit she had changed into... a leotard over her clothes.  Good thing everyone at Emmerson's school already knows not to be surprised by her. 

This girl!

Audrey can finally keep up on the play set. 

Give these girls a bagel and they are happy!

Or a big box to play in. 

We went to the St. Thomas school play.  The "kid friendly" showing might not have been "kid friendly" enough for a 2 year old.  

Or these two! 

They did enjoy it.

This crowd was ready to cheer on the Hoosiers! 

But instead they did crafts with friends during the game.  

This is what 4 out of 6 ears being infected for the second time this month looks like.  

Daddy had to be at work early a few times this month.  Which means he couldn't take Emmerson to school.  So she walked to meet a friends family to walk with.  As I watched her walk down capitol she looked so big! 

The little girls had their post operation hearing test last week!  Happy to report they both past! 

Everyone is a little concerned about where Baby Bloede 4.0 will fit on Daddy! 

This is a good example of the stink eye!  When I said it was bedtime this is how Audrey felt about it! 

Another example of...Where will 4.0 fit?

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Easter was such a fun day for these little ladies.  They woke up so excited to see if the Easter Bunny had been here.

They were very pleased to find their baskets waiting on them downstairs. 

These two carried their baskets around the rest of the morning.

The big girls looked out the window a million times to see if they saw any eggs waiting on them.

All ready for church

We love that we can walk to church and the beautiful weather was a bonus.  

When we got home we noticed that there were eggs hidden everywhere!

They got right to work finding them.

They had no problem finding all of them.

Happy girls with WAY too much candy!

And one two year old that refused to except that all the eggs had been found.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

A few dates with Quinn and Colin

Quinn and Colin joined us for a few fun days.  First was the museum.

Belle was waiting for us when we arrived.  The girls were so excited! 

The Royal Family

Willy Wonka's Chocolate slide is there right now.  Claire wanted to go see it!

Quinny and Audrey would have stayed at the sand all day. 

We talked them into joining us for a trip to the zoo a few days later.

They prefer to ride in the same stroller.  Thankfully, Claire just wants an empty seat so she is happy to jump in with Colin.  

These two will likely get into plenty of trouble in a few years! 

It's so fun to watch Claire be the big girl with this crowd. 

She is happy to be the boss for once!